Thursday, August 19, 2010

30 Days of Night 4

30 Days of Night (4)
There is nothing like family. I just thought I'd start by saying that.
I began this journal hoping to reveal my true self to people but I have come to realize that I'm revealing myself to me. I know it probably doesn't make any sense to many people but it's true. By actually reading my thoughts, I am finding out a lot about me. That's it... I'm finding myself. I opening up and writing down whatever I feel and I am able to connect my thoughts with every feeling. It's amazing, the power that words can have over someone. In this case, the power of words is helping me... not hurting me or anyone else.
I feel as though my journal is not only helping me, but judging by my INBOX, it's helping a lot of other people as well. I encourage each one of you to write your own journal. Learn how to organize your thoughts on paper and read them. You will discover a lot about yourself. I sometimes sit and read my poetry and I begin to cry. I am able to go back to the emotion that I was feeling at that particular time and i am able to feel that way again. Whether I was happy, sad, angry or whatever the feeling may have been, my words help me remember.
What better way for people to get to know you than by your own words? Instead of pushing people away who want to know more about you, invite them in. I am not saying be a complete open book, but reveal yourself chapter by chapter. Dive deep within your heart and mind and free yourself of your past. Let go of whatever may be holding you back from achieving your full potential. Open your heart and mind to the possibility of love and happiness. Be susceptible to joy and laughter and do not be afraid to hope and dream. Dreams keep you hoping and hope keeps you alive.
Be encouraged. You can do anything that you set your mind to. All it takes is a dream, a goal, a vision and action. Do not settle for anything less than what you hope for. I have learned however, that in order to reach your goals and dreams you have to put in a lot of work and you will struggle. Anything worth having does not come easily. I have to remind myself of this everyday as I sit at my desk and go through all of this paper work that is piled is case binders all across my desk and in my drawers. I tell myself "This is only a temporary position to prepare you for your GREAT COMMISSION". My faith in God keeps me focused on my dreams and aspirations but in the meantime, I have to get through my test and trials and gain my strength.
As I always say: "Dreams are what you make them, but they can make you. So reach beyond the stars and make your dreams come true".
-Spread EXTRA LOVE don't Judge-
I have shared three stories with you, share some with me. You can post them on my wall or inbox me. I would love to hear from each of you!

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